Scientific Research Integrity
Scientific Research Integrity

Scientific Research Integrity
Scientific research integrity refers to the commitment to ethical and honest practices throughout the entire research process. It embodies a broad spectrum of actions, including accurate data reporting, genuine methodology description, and fair recognition of contributors. Integrity is the cornerstone of scientific research, ensuring the production of trustworthy results, which form the foundation for further studies, policies, innovations, and public understanding.
Key Principles of Scientific Research Integrity:
Honesty: Researchers should report findings truthfully. This includes avoiding fabrication (making up data), falsification (manipulating data to show a desired outcome), and plagiarism (using someone else's work without proper citation).
Rigor: Employ strict methodological practices. This encompasses understanding the limitations of one's research tools, sampling correctly, using appropriate statistical methods, and drawing conclusions that the data genuinely supports.
Transparency: Make data, methodologies, and other relevant aspects of research available to others. This enables replication and validation of findings.
Impartiality: Avoid biases in experimental design, data analysis, data interpretation, peer review, and other aspects of research. This includes both intentional and unconscious biases.
Open Communication: Share results, whether they support the hypothesis or not. Negative results, often unpublished, can be just as valuable to the scientific community as positive ones.
Accountability: Take responsibility for the correctness and integrity of the work. This involves being open to criticism and rectifying any errors or oversights.
Fairness: Give credit where credit is due. Properly cite sources and recognize the contributions of colleagues and collaborators.
Respect for Intellectual Property: Recognize and respect copyrights, patents, and other forms of intellectual property. This also involves obtaining necessary permissions before using someone else's work.
Confidentiality: Maintain the privacy of peer review and respect any data or findings shared in confidence.
Continuous Monitoring: Regularly update oneself with the latest ethical standards and guidelines in the field.
Challenges to Scientific Research Integrity:
Publication Pressure: The "publish or perish" culture in academia can sometimes push individuals to cut corners or exaggerate findings.
Financial Conflicts of Interest: Funding from entities with vested interests might influence the research process or its outcomes.
Competitive Environment: A highly competitive atmosphere might induce researchers to rush publications without thorough verification or even to sabotage others' work.
Complex Collaborations: Multi-institutional and international collaborations can complicate the attribution of responsibility.
Promoting Research Integrity:
Training and Education: Offer training in research ethics and integrity to young researchers and students.
Clear Institutional Policies: Institutions should have clear guidelines on research ethics, including consequences for misconduct.
Whistleblower Protections: Ensure protections for those who report misconduct, preventing potential backlash.
Transparent Data Practices: Encourage open data practices, allowing others to verify and replicate findings.
Scientific research integrity not only ensures the credibility of individual studies but also maintains public trust in science as a whole. Breaches in this integrity, even if by a minority, can cast doubt on the entire scientific community, which is why upholding these principles is paramount.
Neuroscience 2023 and Artificial Intelligence

Neuroscience Meeting 2023 SBNeC - Summary of selected neuroscientific topics
(generated by ChatGPT):
Homeostasis Perception and Emotion in Panic
Antropologia Amerindia América Latina
Newborn Behavioral Observation
"Muscle matters: from human disease to human performance"
Transgenerational memories of trauma - epigenetic, physiological and mental health factors
Efeito de Realidade Virtual e Gamificação no Aprendizado
Vida moderna, Ritmos Biológicos, Sono, Homeostasia Fisiológica e Processos Cognitivos
Long-term cognitive and emotional impairments associated to hypercholesterolemia
Short- and long-term effects of ethanol on astrocyte functioning
Caffeine effects on brain development
Obesidade do neurodesenvolvimento ao envelhecimento
Repercussões fisiológicas e celulares da exposição aos pesticidas em períodos críticos do desenvolvimento
Distúrbios do Crescimento Celular
Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Nutrition
Cancer as a developmental disease
Scientific Question and Experimental Design
Epilepsy Neuroscience and Perception
Active Learning to Improve Engagement
The molecular basis of Exercise-induced skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis
Neurochemical Underpinnings of Psychedelic-Induced Ego Dissolution
Recent advances in the neuroendocrine control of hydromineral homeostasis
Psychoneuroimmunology Immunoneuroendocrine interactions
Aproveitando a natureza dinâmica da memória para eliminar experiências traumáticas
Acerca da modificação de memórias episódicas
The biological response of ayahuasca
Variabilidade da frequência cardíaca como marcador da integração neurovisceral
Inteligência artificial, psicodélicos, e saúde mental
Efeitos do isolamento social e do enriquecimento ambiental na plasticidade do sistema nervoso
Neurociências e Educação: Reflexões sobre o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH)
Cellular and molecular networks underlying psychiatric disorders
O que sabemos hoje sobre as expressões faciais na psicopatia?
Aspectos Funcionais e Estruturais da Interação Glia-Neurônio
As bases neurobiológicas da aprendizagem e memória
O uso de jogos educacionais como estratégia de aprendizagem ativa
Processamento cerebral implícito - a construção de estereótipos
Neuroimagem funcional aplicada ao comportamento humano
O cérebro em tarefas cognitivas e no estado de repouso. Introdução à conectividade funcional