Active Learning to Improve Engagement
Active Learning to Improve Engagement

Active Learning to Improve Engagement
Active learning is an instructional method that involves students in the learning process more directly compared to passive learning methods, such as simply listening to lectures. This approach is rooted in the idea that learners who actively engage with the material are more likely to retain information and understand concepts deeply. Implementing active learning strategies can enhance engagement, improve comprehension, and promote long-term retention.
Here are several active learning strategies to improve engagement:
Procedure: Pose a question to the class, give students some time to think about their answer, have them discuss their thoughts with a partner, then share their discussion with the whole class.
Benefits: This promotes individual reflection and collaborative thinking.
Collaborative Group Work:
Procedure: Divide students into small groups and assign tasks or problems to solve.
Benefits: Students learn to work collaboratively, leverage diverse perspectives, and articulate their understanding.
Problem-Based Learning (PBL):
Procedure: Present students with a real-world problem. They must research, collaborate, and propose solutions.
Benefits: Promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and the application of knowledge.
Case-Based Learning:
Procedure: Use real or fictional cases to illustrate concepts. Students analyze and discuss the case.
Benefits: Helps students understand the real-world application of theoretical knowledge.
Interactive Simulations and Labs:
Procedure: Use computer-based simulations or hands-on labs to explore concepts.
Benefits: Enhances understanding through practical application and experimentation.
Concept Mapping:
Procedure: Students create visual diagrams that represent the relationship between different concepts.
Benefits: Encourages students to understand and visualize connections between ideas.
Peer Teaching:
Procedure: Students are assigned topics to teach to their peers, either in small group discussions or in front of the class.
Benefits: Deepens understanding, as teaching a concept often solidifies knowledge.
Interactive Quizzes and Polls:
Procedure: Use platforms like Kahoot or Poll Everywhere to create real-time quizzes or polls during class.
Benefits: Provides immediate feedback and engages students in a fun, competitive manner.
Jigsaw Method:
Procedure: Divide students into groups, assign each group a specific topic to learn and then teach to others. Later, form new groups with one member from each of the previous groups, and have students teach each other their topics.
Benefits: Encourages collaboration and ensures that students become "experts" in their assigned topic.
Role Playing and Simulations:
Procedure: Students take on roles and act out scenarios relevant to the course material.
Benefits: Engages students by placing them in realistic situations, fostering empathy and a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives.
Reflection and Metacognition:
Procedure: Encourage students to think about their thinking. This could be through journaling, discussions, or specific assignments that ask students to reflect on their learning processes.
Benefits: Enhances students' awareness of their learning habits and strategies.
When implementing active learning strategies, it's essential to consider the class size, available resources, and the comfort level of the students. Regularly seeking feedback from students can help refine and adapt these strategies to fit specific contexts better.
Neuroscience 2023 and Artificial Intelligence

Neuroscience Meeting 2023 SBNeC - Summary of selected neuroscientific topics
(generated by ChatGPT):
Homeostasis Perception and Emotion in Panic
Antropologia Amerindia América Latina
Newborn Behavioral Observation
"Muscle matters: from human disease to human performance"
Transgenerational memories of trauma - epigenetic, physiological and mental health factors
Efeito de Realidade Virtual e Gamificação no Aprendizado
Vida moderna, Ritmos Biológicos, Sono, Homeostasia Fisiológica e Processos Cognitivos
Long-term cognitive and emotional impairments associated to hypercholesterolemia
Short- and long-term effects of ethanol on astrocyte functioning
Caffeine effects on brain development
Obesidade do neurodesenvolvimento ao envelhecimento
Repercussões fisiológicas e celulares da exposição aos pesticidas em períodos críticos do desenvolvimento
Distúrbios do Crescimento Celular
Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Nutrition
Cancer as a developmental disease
Scientific Question and Experimental Design
Epilepsy Neuroscience and Perception
Active Learning to Improve Engagement
The molecular basis of Exercise-induced skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis
Neurochemical Underpinnings of Psychedelic-Induced Ego Dissolution
Recent advances in the neuroendocrine control of hydromineral homeostasis
Psychoneuroimmunology Immunoneuroendocrine interactions
Aproveitando a natureza dinâmica da memória para eliminar experiências traumáticas
Acerca da modificação de memórias episódicas
The biological response of ayahuasca
Variabilidade da frequência cardíaca como marcador da integração neurovisceral
Inteligência artificial, psicodélicos, e saúde mental
Efeitos do isolamento social e do enriquecimento ambiental na plasticidade do sistema nervoso
Neurociências e Educação: Reflexões sobre o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH)
Cellular and molecular networks underlying psychiatric disorders
O que sabemos hoje sobre as expressões faciais na psicopatia?
Aspectos Funcionais e Estruturais da Interação Glia-Neurônio
As bases neurobiológicas da aprendizagem e memória
O uso de jogos educacionais como estratégia de aprendizagem ativa
Processamento cerebral implícito - a construção de estereótipos
Neuroimagem funcional aplicada ao comportamento humano
O cérebro em tarefas cognitivas e no estado de repouso. Introdução à conectividade funcional