Muscle matters: from human disease to human performance
Muscle matters: from human disease to human performance

Muscle matters - from human disease to human performance
"Muscle Matters: From Human Disease to Human Performance" is a phrase that highlights the wide-ranging importance of understanding muscle function and its implications for both health and performance. This concept underscores the significance of studying muscles not only in the context of diseases and medical conditions but also in relation to athletic and physical capabilities.
Here's a breakdown of the key aspects of this phrase:
Muscle Function and Disease: Muscles play a critical role in various bodily functions, including movement, stability, and metabolism. Studying muscles is essential for understanding and addressing a range of health conditions and diseases. For instance, research into muscle disorders like muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, and other neuromuscular conditions helps improve diagnostics, treatment, and management strategies for individuals affected by these diseases.
Human Performance: Muscles are fundamental to human performance in physical activities, sports, and exercise. Understanding how muscles work, adapt, and respond to different training regimens is crucial for optimizing athletic performance, enhancing physical fitness, and preventing injuries. This knowledge can inform training techniques, nutrition plans, and recovery strategies for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
Biomechanics: The study of muscle function also intersects with biomechanics, which examines how forces and mechanics affect human movement. Biomechanics research helps in designing equipment, techniques, and training methods that maximize performance and minimize the risk of injury.
Rehabilitation: Knowledge about muscle function is vital in the field of rehabilitation. Understanding muscle mechanics and interactions allows healthcare professionals to design effective rehabilitation programs for individuals recovering from injuries or surgeries that affect their musculoskeletal system.
Aging and Mobility: As people age, muscle mass and function can decline, leading to reduced mobility and functional independence. Research into muscle-related changes associated with aging informs strategies for maintaining muscle health and promoting active aging.
Nutrition and Metabolism: Muscles are major contributors to overall metabolism and energy expenditure. Understanding how muscle tissue utilizes nutrients and energy informs dietary recommendations for individuals seeking to optimize their health, manage weight, or improve physical performance.
In essence, "Muscle Matters: From Human Disease to Human Performance" highlights the multidisciplinary nature of studying muscles. It emphasizes that insights gained from studying muscle function have broad implications, ranging from understanding and treating diseases to enhancing athletic prowess and promoting overall well-being.
Neuroscience 2023 and Artificial Intelligence

Neuroscience Meeting 2023 SBNeC - Summary of selected neuroscientific topics
(generated by ChatGPT):
Homeostasis Perception and Emotion in Panic
Antropologia Amerindia América Latina
Newborn Behavioral Observation
"Muscle matters: from human disease to human performance"
Transgenerational memories of trauma - epigenetic, physiological and mental health factors
Efeito de Realidade Virtual e Gamificação no Aprendizado
Vida moderna, Ritmos Biológicos, Sono, Homeostasia Fisiológica e Processos Cognitivos
Long-term cognitive and emotional impairments associated to hypercholesterolemia
Short- and long-term effects of ethanol on astrocyte functioning
Caffeine effects on brain development
Obesidade do neurodesenvolvimento ao envelhecimento
Repercussões fisiológicas e celulares da exposição aos pesticidas em períodos críticos do desenvolvimento
Distúrbios do Crescimento Celular
Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Nutrition
Cancer as a developmental disease
Scientific Question and Experimental Design
Epilepsy Neuroscience and Perception
Active Learning to Improve Engagement
The molecular basis of Exercise-induced skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis
Neurochemical Underpinnings of Psychedelic-Induced Ego Dissolution
Recent advances in the neuroendocrine control of hydromineral homeostasis
Psychoneuroimmunology Immunoneuroendocrine interactions
Aproveitando a natureza dinâmica da memória para eliminar experiências traumáticas
Acerca da modificação de memórias episódicas
The biological response of ayahuasca
Variabilidade da frequência cardíaca como marcador da integração neurovisceral
Inteligência artificial, psicodélicos, e saúde mental
Efeitos do isolamento social e do enriquecimento ambiental na plasticidade do sistema nervoso
Neurociências e Educação: Reflexões sobre o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH)
Cellular and molecular networks underlying psychiatric disorders
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Aspectos Funcionais e Estruturais da Interação Glia-Neurônio
As bases neurobiológicas da aprendizagem e memória
O uso de jogos educacionais como estratégia de aprendizagem ativa
Processamento cerebral implícito - a construção de estereótipos
Neuroimagem funcional aplicada ao comportamento humano
O cérebro em tarefas cognitivas e no estado de repouso. Introdução à conectividade funcional