Jackson Cionek

Understanding how the Mind and Brain Develop

Understanding how the Mind and Brain Develop

'Cognitive Neuroscience in the Age of Discovery'
Speaker: BJ Casey, Ph.D., Yale University

Just as the brain changes over the life course to meet unique challenges and make new discoveries at each developmental phase, so too is the field of cognitive neuroscience changing. Over the years, we have seen significant advances in neuroimaging techniques and computational analytics as well as an enormous expansion of open-access data and tools that have broadened the reach of cognitive neuroscience to neighboring fields and broader society. This lecture will highlight how advances in cognitive neuroscience have informed our understanding of how the mind and brain develop, especially during adolescence, and examine how this knowledge informs the treatment of youth in medicine and in the U.S. legal system.

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Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States