Socioemotional factors and their impacts on learning - Human Competencies
Fatores socioemocionais e seus impactos na aprendizagem - Human Competencies

1. Entender os vários determinantes para o aprendizado do aluno;
2. Separar, teoricamente, os determinantes ligados a fatores socioambientais, as características socioemocionais, o mérito e a sorte;
3. Entender a interação entre esses fatores.
Socioemotional factors and their impacts on learning
1. Understand the various determinants for student learning;
2. Separating, theoretically, the determinants linked to socio-environmental factors, socio-emotional characteristics, merit and luck;
3. Understand the interaction between these factors.
Factores socioemocionales y sus impactos en el aprendizaje
1. Comprender los diversos determinantes del aprendizaje de los estudiantes;
2. Separar, teóricamente, los determinantes vinculados a factores socioambientales, características socioemocionales, mérito y suerte;
3. Comprender la interacción entre estos factores.
Curso Ciências da Aprendizagem Inscrição
Fatores socioemocionais
NIRS fNIRS course - April 08, 2022
Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications March 2022
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publication February 2022
NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications January 2022
Neuroscience Publications Fee FREE
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