
CNS2019 Poster Session C

Poster Session C

C1 ADHD Symptoms are Associated with the Modular Structure of Intrinsic Brain Networks in a Representative Sample of Healthy Adults - Hilger, Kirsten

C2 An Empirical Investigation of Age-Related Differences in Mind-Wandering using Triangulation of Subjective, Behavioural and Electrophysiological Measures - Moran, Catherine

C3 An own-age bias in the hippocampus in young and older adults - Koen, Joshua D.

C4 Effects of working memory load on selective attention in school-age children - Kim, So-Yeon

C5 Failing to Ignore: the declined functional connection between salience network and locus coeruleus in older adults - Lee, Tae-Ho

C6 Losing money and motivation: Younger and older adults’ response to loss incentive in a working memory task - Jang, Hyesue

C7 Neurodevelopmental differences of attention mechanisms in children with Type 1 diabetes: an ERP study - Gallardo-Moreno, Geisa

C8 Using fNIRS to Investigate the Neural Processes of Dimensional Label Learning - Eddings, Rachel

C9 High-definition tDCS of the prefrontal cortices modulates performance and neural activity during visuo-spatial processing -  Arif, Yasra

C10 Sex differences on visuospatial tasks, solving the puzzle - Aguilar Ramírez, Daniela E.

C11 Shifting the Visual Field Leftward or Rightward Differentially Modulates Resting State Functional Connectivity - Schintu, Selene

C12 Voluntary saccadic eye movements modulate visual cortex excitability through phase reset of perceptually relevant oscillations - Veniero, Domenica

C13 Cognitive functioning in post-traumatic stress disorder: a meta-analysis of evidence from animal models & clinical studies - Sep, Milou

C14 Dissociable processing of emotional and neutral body movements revealed by µ-alpha and beta rhythms - Siqi-Liu, Audrey

C15 Dopaminergic effects on PTSD-associated mnemonic overgeneralization - Westphal, Andrew

C16 Event Related Potentials of Negative-Valanced Visual Distractors on Visual Working Memory - Dacorro, Lauren

C17 Executive functioning predicts positive preferences in false recognition memory in older adults - Zheng, Zhiwei

C18 Exploring the Facial Feedback Hypothesis in Moebius Syndrome - Jordan, Jessica

C19 Growth mindset supports cognitive performance and learning in children: Behavioral and neural evidence - Rudoler, Jeremy

C20 Neural and Behavioral Mechanisms Underlying the Relationship between Everyday Pain and Cognitive Performance - Witkin, Joanna E.

C21 Neural responses of love: a meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies in maternal and passionate love - Shih, Hsuan-Chu

C22 Predicting whole-head brain activity with traits related to empathy in healthy subjects - Aksiuto, Anna

C23 Prefrontal and visual representations during encoding of emotional information - Park, Doyoung

C24 Reduced working memory capacity under threatening context - Ward, Richard

C25 The Effect of Working Memory Span on Resolving Emotional Conflicts - Gürel, Sertuğ

C26 Stopping natural desires: defining the hypersexuality network in impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s disease - Obeso, Ignacio

C27 The impact of depressive rumination on the course of depressive symptoms and cognitive performance in time - Pastrnak, Martin

C28 The Influence of Media Violence Exposure on the Neural Correlates of Explicit Emotional Face Processing and Subsequent Response Inhibition - Glab, Zoa

C29 Validity and response of neural biomarkers for pain response and cognitive modulation in the context of mindfulness-based intervention - Wielgosz, Joseph

C30 Task Related Brain Connectivity Decreases After Cognitive Training - Kent, James

C31 The effects of CBT-I on Cognitive Functioning in individuals with Insomnia and Mild Cognitive Impairment - O'Hora, Kathleen

C32 Acute Pain Disrupts Sustained Attention - Brewer, Gene

C33 Assessing causal contributions of parietal cortex to learned cognitive flexibility - Bejjani, Christina

C34 Behavioral and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evidence of Flow State Dynamics During Naturalistic Gameplay - Huskey, Richard

C35 Connectivity of cognitive control networks at rest and task switching performance - Baniqued, Pauline

C36 Corticostriatal white-matter tracts supporting habitual behavior in the lab and in real life - van de Vijver, Irene

C37 Disentangling the roles of cue visibility and knowledge in learning cognitive control - Bejjani, Christina

C38 EEG reveals different mechanisms for cognitive control retention, based on trait working memory ability - Janowich, Jacqueline R.

C39 Impaired cognitive flexibility and brain network of obsessive-compulsive disorder - Tomiyama, Hirofumi

C40 On the Relationships Between Autistic Traits, Executive Functioning, Self-Control, and Exercise - Mason, Lauren

C41 The effects of task switching on alpha and gamma oscillations predict behavioral switch costs - Proskovec, Amy L.

C42 Characterizing the relationship between working memory capacity and load-related increases in fMRI activity - Walsh, Catherine R.

C43 Concurrent alpha and gamma band synchronization coordinates the maintenance of visual features and object representation in working memory - Haque, Hamed

C44 Independent representation of active and latent decision boundaries in working-memory-guided behavior - Muhle-Karbe, Paul

C45 Individuals with autism exhibit atypical pupillary responses under cognitive load - Granovetter, Michael C.

C46 Neural Underpinnings of Orthographic Working Memory: Inferences from Lesion Data - Balasubramanian, Venu

C47 Prefrontal Control of Cross-Frequency Coupling in Posterior Regions - Johnson, Elizabeth

C48 Top-down modulation of delayed response for visual short-term memory - Kuo, Bo-Cheng

C49 Transcranial direct current stimulation over bilateral anterior temporal lobes modulates hippocampal-occipital functional connectivity and visual working memory precision - Xie, Weizhen

C50 Conflict Monitoring and Resolving Lexical-Prosodic Incongruence of Emotion Prosody Identification in Children with High-Functioning Autism - Tsao, Feng-Ming

C51 Electrophysiological correlates of auditory discourse processing in bilinguals across the lifespan - Grant, Angela

C52 Parental Reflective Functioning and Children’s Emergent Reading Skills: ERP and longitudinal behavioral measures -  Lau, Airey

C53 Segmentation of the Frontal Aslant Tract (FAT) and its relation to verbal fluency development in children - Garic, Dea

C54 Bilingual Language Processing: An ERP Study of Cognate Status - Medina, Yazmin E.

C55 Distinct effects of intensive perceptual and articulatory rehearsal in neural learning of novel word-forms with familiar and unfamiliar phonology - Kimppa, Lilli

C56 Interactions between transposed-letter ERP priming effects and orthographic neighborhood density - Mahnich, Cecile

C57 The critical connection: How damage of the arcuate fasciculus impacts language processing in aphasia - Ivanova, Maria V.

C58 Tracking the time-course of visual word recognition using different types of word-like stimuli - Massa, Natasja

C59 A concurrent investigation of relationships between language production and comprehension in schizophrenia - Tan, Eric J

C60 The Supplementary Use of Praat in order to Effectively Train Phonemic Awareness - Tozier, Rebekah

C61 Benefits of semantic predictability to the on-line building of linguistic structures - Gao, Yayue

C62 Delta-gamma phase-locking indexes composition of predicates - Brennan, Jonathan R.

C63 Influence of event knowledge on semantic expectation and integration: An ERP study - Rabs, Elisabeth

C64 N400, dispositional affect and sentence processing - Dwivedi, Veena

C65 Native language affects visual processing by activating categorical template of objects via the modulation of alpha oscillations - Morucci, Piermatteo

C66 Neural correlates for comprehending perspective-independent and perspective-dependent spatial expressions in ASL and English- McCullough, Stephen

C67 Preliminary ERP evidence for different rapid feedforward orthographic and phonological masked-priming effects - Zimman, Hana

C68 Temporal Dynamics of lexical and semantic features of spoken words: an MEG study - Vignali, Lorenzo

C69 The language of arithmetic in children: solution correctness and problem size influence N400 amplitude - Dickson, Danielle S.

C70 Paragrammatism: a lesion-symptom mapping study - Matchin, William

C71 Age differences in the neural underpinnings of voluntary vs involuntary memory retrieval - Henderson, Sarah E.

C72 Autobiographically significant concepts within older and younger adults - Lambert, Rachel

C73 Effect of Aging Stereotype Activation on Older Adults’ Memory and Neural Activity - Chen, Yung-Tsen

C74 Micro and macro sleep changes associated with tau and β-amyloid pathology in the aging human brain - Winer, Joseph

C75 Predictors of individual differences in recognition memory in healthy ageing - Gellersen, Helena

C76 The effects of rTMS on source memory and underlying neurocognitive mechanism in normal older adults - Cui, Xiaoyu

C77 Verbal and Visual Memory in Metabolic Versus Control Participants Across the Adult Lifespan - Slonim, Tracey

C78 An ERP study of dream lucidity and reality monitoring - CHENG, SHIH-KUEN

C79 Close, but not quite: Memory precision across spatial frames of reference over the lifespan - Ladyka-Wojcik, Natalia

C80 Configuration Manipulation Impacts Neural Patterns in Medial Temporal Lobe in Associative Memory Retrieval -  Chamberlain, Jordan

C81 Dynamic Integration of the Hippocampus during Episodic Counterfactual Thinking - Camp, Christopher

C82 High Ruminators Use Different Neural Processes During a Recognition Memory Task - Forner, Nicole A

C83 Memory benefits of sleep reactivation depend on the size of the targeted group - Schechtman, Eitan

C84 Neural entrainment to naturalistic rhythm: Effects on memory - Hickey, Paige

C85 Predictors of sleep-dependent memory consolidation - Denis, Dan

C86 Structural and Functional MRI Evidence for Distinct Medial Temporal and Prefrontal Roles in Context-Dependent Relational Memory - Schwarb, Hillary

C87 Successful Encoding of Item and Source Information is Predicted by Graded Neural Activity - Liu, Eleanor

C88 The core episodic simulation network dissociates as a function of subjective experience and objective content - Thakral, Preston P.

C89 Theta entrainment after learning enhances episodic memory - Whitmore, Nathan

C90 Under Pressure: The Null Effects of Psychosocial-Stress on Episodic Memory Consolidation - McManus, Elizabeth

C91 An ERP analysis comparing visual and verbal long-term memory mechanisms through access-based forgetting - Smith, Shelby

C92 Associative Information in the Hippocampus and the Visual Cortex during Cued Recall - Kang, Joonyoung

C93 Neural correlates of judgments of learning: an EEG study - Martin-Luengo, Beatriz

C94 The Effects of Target-lure Similarity to False Alarms on Memory Specificity: An fMRI Study - Maxwell, Emily R.

C95 Transformation of event representations along middle temporal gyrus - Leshinskaya, Anna

C96 Mnemonic Constraints on Value-Based Decision Making - Zhang, Zhihao

C97 Using fMRI to explore the effects of task instructions and response strategy - Helie, Sebastien

C98 ‘Print tuning’ as neurophysiological marker of early typical and delayed reading acquisition - Maassen, Ben

C99 A Wearable Heart Monitor For Measuring Changes Of The Sympathetic Nervous System - Babenko, Viktoriya

C100 Complexity Matching to EEG Response of Speech and Music - Ramirez-Aristizabal, Adolfo G.

C101 Is it possible to distinguish true and spurious cross-frequency coupling? - Siebenhühner, Felix

C102 Measuring Operator Understanding of ADAS via the P3 - Chong, Steven

C103 Brainstem atrophy in Gulf War Illness - Zhang, Yu

C104 fMRI pattern similarity analyses reveal working memory and perceptual coding at both regional and brain-network level - Gehred, Maria Z.

C105 Hierarchical Bayesian Analyses for Modeling BOLD Time Series Data - Molloy, M. Fiona

C106 Influence of genetic relatedness on fMRI activation pattern similarity during the HCP working memory task - Etzel, Joset A.

C107 Structural brain network topologies associate with aspects of value-based decision-making - Bañuelos, Cristina

C108 Adaptive Design Optimization of Real-time fMRI Experiments using a Joint Modeling Framework - Bahg, Giwon

C109 Short-term meditation training increases inter-network connections in the triple networks - Yang, Winson Fu Zun

C110 Defining Sensory Subtypes in Young Children with Autism or Typical Development Using Loudness-Dependent Auditory ERPs -  Dwyer, Patrick

C111 Evoked activity plays a very substantial role in the cortical tracking of natural speech - Lalor, Edmund

C112 Neural Correlates of Familiarity in Music Listening: A Systematic Review and a Neuroimaging Meta-Analysis - Freitas, Carina

C113 Neural dynamics of human auditory perception across space and time - Lowe, Matthew

C114 Speech in noise versus simulated cochlear implant (CI) speech: Assessing co-activation between temporal and frontal cortices during an event-related, speech perception task - Defenderfer, Jessica

C115 Testing the neural entrainment hypothesis by dissociating periodic stimulation from temporal predictions - Iemi, Luca

C116 Audiovisual Associations: The role of auditory stimulus properties in predicting visual image choice - McCarthy, Keith

C117 Double-Blind Study of Visual Imagery in Grapheme-Color Synesthesia - Ahn, EunSeon

C118 Lesion-symptom mapping analysis of interdependence of motor and language systems - Arevalo, Analia

C119 Music perception as a multisensory experience - Lacey, Simon

C120 Neurobiology of self-agency during reality monitoring and speech monitoring - Subramaniam, Karuna

C121 Spatiotemporal information conveyed by crossmodal phase-reset: An electrocorticography approach - Plass, John

C122 Visual optimization of auditory stream segregation in a ‘cocktail party’ - Jaha, Niti

C123 When speech disagrees with your reach, grasping with your right and left hands differ from each - van Rootselaar, Nicole A.

C124 Anticipation shapes consciousness: The neural dynamics of temporal prediction in visual awareness - Landry, Mathieu

C125 Can Processing Of Face Trustworthiness Bypass Early Visual Cortex? A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Masking Study - Janssens, Shanice E. W.

C126 Development of an ERP-based Cognitive Assessment - Takehara, Mayuko

C127 Embodied emotion correlates with personality traits- A study with somatosensory- evoked potentials - Meletaki, Vasiliki

C128 Statistical expectations about target identity impact early orientation by interacting with the encoding of target location - Hasson, Uri

C129 A cognitive map of social network space - Miller, Douglas

C130 Age-related and individual differences in neural substrates of moral decision making - Liu, Ting-Yu

C131 Behavioral and Neural Signatures of the Subjective Value of Pain and Exercise - Shapiro, Allison

C132 Electrophysiological Activity Underlying Optimism Biases during Belief Updating - Yao, Ziqing

C133 Hexadirectional coding in human entorhinal cortex represents the trajectory through social networks during decision-making - Park, Seongmin

C134 Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning enables flexible transfer in humans - Xia, Liyu

C135 Processing the non-occurrence of expected outcomes in deterministic and probabilistic reversal learning - Habiby Alaoui, Selim

C136 The development of the variance discounting task to investigate the impulsivity with delay discounting task and probabilistic discounting task - Lin, Yu-Chi

C137 The effects of age on neural reward responses in the monetary incentive delay task - Dhingra, Isha

C138 Predictive processing in changing environments in autism: Electrophysiological, pupillometric and behavioral assays - TIKIR, SEYDANUR

C139 If only I had chosen differently! EEG manifestations of comparison between received and alternative outcomes - Marciano, Deborah

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Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States