Language Specific Processing Low Gamma and Theta Bands
Acoustic-level and language-specific processing of native and non-native phonological sequence onsets in the low gamma and theta-frequency bands

Language Specific Processing Low Gamma and Theta Bands
Wagner et al. investigated “Acoustic-level and language-specific processing of native and non-native phonological sequence onsets in the low gamma and theta-frequency bands”. Participants listened to different word onset sounds, of which not all occur in their native language. Using time-frequency analysis on source level they showed language‑specific processing in low gamma, and acoustic‑level and language‑specific processing in theta, supporting the view that multi scale temporal processing in the low gamma and theta‑frequency bands facilitates speech perception. (Sci Rep 12, 314 (2022))
Native and non-native phonological sequence
Source Localization Model, Five Dipole + BR regional Sources. (a) Illustrates the three GFP peaks consistent with the PCA components in response to the complete data set (b) displays the overlay of the five-dipole model (purple) and residual variance (red) and (c) illustrates the final five-dipole model + BR regional sources (purple). Notice that the model waveforms (purple) remain similar for both models, but the residual variance (red) is reduced in the final model shown in (c). (d) Illustrates SWFs obtained at the three-time intervals, 90–120 ms, 170–200 ms and 270–300 ms, consistent with the PCA peaks (e) illustrates the five localized source dipoles (red ACN1-R, blue ACN1-L, pink ACP2-R, green ACP2-L) plus the added BR regional sources (BESA 7.1 Research). See text for detail. GFP global field power, PCA principal component analysis, SWFs source waveforms, BR brain region.
Foged et al. show in their paper “Learn to interpret voltage maps: an atlas of topographies” how to correctly interpret surface voltage maps in order to localize the underlying generators. The educational review paper addresses the learning objective “1.4.4 Interpret topographic (voltage) maps” of the ILAE curriculum. The authors state that “using a didactic approach, we explain how to read voltage maps and provide an atlas of voltage maps.” (Epileptic Disorders. [Epub ahead of print])
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