EEG Sensor Tutorial: How to obtain useful peripheral physiological signals without prior knowledge
Sensor Tutorial: How to obtain useful peripheral physiological signals without prior knowledge
Products sensors for peripheral physiology in combination with the AUX inputs of the actiCHamp, LiveAmp, V-Amp and BrainAmp ExG amplifiers, and the recording software BrainVision Recorder in a non-MRClosed environment. All sensors are compatible with the BrainAmp ExG MR amplifier but the specific aspects of the application in a MR environment are not subject of this tutorial.
EEG ERP peripheral physiological signals
This tutorial aims to help users with a background in peripheral physiology to optimize their setup, as well as to support beginners as they set up their Brain Products system for the first time. We provide detailed operating instructions, examples of common applications, and signal processing suggestions.
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Each of the most frequently used sensors got an extra chapter:
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