Jackson Cionek

EEG Online Interaction: Actuar de manera diferente, para diferentes respuestas cerebrales

EEG Online Interaction: Actuar de manera diferente, para diferentes respuestas cerebrales

Accessing actiCHamp (Plus) data within less than 1.5 ms
An increasing number of research applications require online access to EEG data streams. For example, when signal features of the EEG are used to trigger TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) pulses, or where algorithms in BCI (Brain Computer Interface) applications are used to provide immediate response. For these applications, minimum latency and high accuracy become increasingly important.

Two products, developed with real-time state-dependent research (previously known as closed-loop applications) in mind (e.g., EEG-TMS or EEG-tDCS/tACS, BCI, etc.), are now ready for release.

TurboLink is Brain Products’ hardware solution for ultra-fast (<1.5ms) data access from actiCHamp family amplifiers. Data can be fed, in the form of UDP packets, to other third-party data clients and signal processing units. One of these is bossdevice RESEARCH.

Bossdevice RESEARCH is a real-time digital signal processor developed by the company synch2brain GmbH, a spin-off of the research of Dr Christoph Zrenner at the University of Tübingen. It is based on a real-time data processing unit that operates through a Simulink real-time model. The specific data processing routine can be controlled via MATLAB through pre-built API functions and methods.


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Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States