Jackson Cionek

EEG-fMRI Webinar Free

EEG-fMRI Webinar Free May 3 & 4 

Join us as we take a look at our complete Carbon Wire Loops (CWL) solution for EEG-fMRI applications. The recent addition of the CWL Regression transformation to our Analyzer 2 software completes our solution for CWLs, and we are excited to show you how our hardware and software for CWLs can improve EEG data quality in EEG-fMRI studies. 

In this webinar our Application Specialist for EEG-fMRI, Dr. Tracy Warbrick, will show you our CWL hardware solution and explain why CWLs are useful for handling motion related artifacts in EEG data recorded in the MR environment. Then Dr. Bastian Schledde from our Scientific Support team will introduce the new CWL Regression transformation and demonstrate how to use this transformation to remove motion-related artifact, including cardioballistic artifact, from EEG data recorded during fMRI.


This FREE webinar will be held twice
(just chose the date & time that works best for you)
May 3, 2022 (Tuesday) | 5 pm - 6 pm (CEST)
May 4, 2022 (Wednesday) | 9 am - 10 am (CEST)

State of the art MR artifact handling with Carbon Wire Loops – a true market innovation!

For EEG data acquired during fMRI scanning the gradient artifact and cardioballistic artifact are corrected using an average template subtraction approach. This relies on an artifact signal that repeats regularly; for gradient artifact it is the imaging volume that repeats over time and for cardioballistic artifact it is the cardiac cycle. Motion-related artifacts, on the other hand, are non-cyclic and unpredictable. Therefore, we need to consider a different approach.

Movement-induced signals can be measured by a loop moving inside a magnetic field (Faraday’s law of induction). As such, CWLs attached to the BrainCap MR can be used for obtaining reference signals inside the MRI scanner. The small movements of these CWLs in the magnetic field generate signals that can then be used to estimate and remove motion artifacts from the EEG.

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Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States