Jackson Cionek

EEG FFT Spectral Analysis Methods

EEG FFT Spectral Analysis Methods
An overview of spectral analysis methods

This webinar covers an overview of the theoretical background of five different spectral analysis methods and their implementation in BrainVision Analyzer 2. Among various spectral analysis techniques, we are focusing on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Wavelet Transform, Event-Related Synchronization/Desynchronization (ERS/ERD), Complex Demodulation and Hilbert Transform. You will learn how to use them by seeing them applied to example data from resting state and visually evoked potential paradigms. Importantly, we also compare the methods to each other, so that you can discover what the similarities and differences between them are.

Modern Neuroscientific And Behavioral Experiments

This webinar is meant to get you started with spectral analysis before going into more detail of methods such as FFT and Wavelets. Prior knowledge of time-domain analysis (e.g., ERP) is recommended. The slides of this presentation can be downloaded from: https://www.brainproducts.com/files/webinar/academy/2021_WB_3_Spectral_Analysis.pdf CONTENTS: • Neurophysical model of oscillatory brain activity – 00:05:20 o EEG frequency bands - 00:06:53 • Spectral Analysis Methods o Fast Fourier transform (FFT) - 00:09:22 o Time-Frequency Analysis - 00:22:25 o Wavelet Transform - 00:24:23 o Event-Related Synchronization/Desynchronization (ERS/ERD) - 00:39:36 o Complex Demodulation - 00:56:15 o Hilbert Transform - 01:07:25 • Comparing the Methods - 01:19:34 • Measure Extraction and Export - 01:29:47

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Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States