Consciousness, Hard Problem of Consciousness, What’s the Meaning of Consciousness? Brain Connectome, Perceptions, Motivation, Emotion EEG ERP EEG MicroStates NIRS fNIRS

12/06/2023 02:25:55 Author: Jackson Cionek

Consciousness, Hard Problem of Consciousness, What’s the Meaning of Consciousness?

Brain Connectome, Perceptions, Motivation, Emotion EEG ERP EEG MicroStates NIRS fNIRS

Jackson Cionek - Consciousness in First Person
Jackson Cionek - Consciousness in First Person

Consciousness is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that refers to our subjective experience of being aware of ourselves and the world around us. It encompasses various aspects of our mental processes, including perception, cognition, emotions, and self-awareness.

The Hard Problem of Consciousness, proposed by philosopher David Chalmers, refers to the challenge of understanding why and how physical processes in the brain give rise to subjective conscious experiences. It focuses on the subjective nature of consciousness and why certain physical processes are associated with specific subjective experiences. It remains a topic of ongoing philosophical and scientific debate. 

Some philosophers and scientists view consciousness as an emergent property of complex information processing in the brain, while others argue for non-physical or spiritual aspects of consciousness. Exploring the meaning of consciousness involves delving into topics such as self-awareness, qualia (subjective experiences), the relationship between the mind and the body, and the nature of reality.

The brain connectome refers to the complete map of neural connections in the brain. It includes the intricate network of neurons and their synaptic connections, which form the basis of information processing in the brain. Studying the brain connectome helps us understand how different brain regions communicate and work together to give rise to various cognitive functions and behaviors.

Perception refers to the process by which we interpret and make sense of sensory information from our environment. It involves the brain's ability to receive, process, and integrate sensory inputs such as visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile stimuli.

Motivation relates to the internal and external factors that drive behavior and goal-directed actions. It involves the processes that initiate, direct, and sustain behavior, including the activation of reward systems in the brain and the regulation of emotions and cognitive processes. 

Emotion refers to subjective feelings, often accompanied by physiological changes, that arise in response to certain stimuli or situations. Emotions can influence our thoughts, behaviors, and decision-making processes. They are typically associated with specific patterns of brain activity and can be studied using techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

EEG is a non-invasive technique that measures the electrical activity of the brain through electrodes placed on the scalp. It provides insights into the temporal dynamics of brain activity and is often used to study sleep, cognition, and certain neurological disorders.

ERP (event-related potential) refers to the measured brain responses elicited by specific events or stimuli. It is derived from EEG data and represents the brain's electrical activity that is time-locked to the occurrence of a particular stimulus or event. ERPs are useful for investigating cognitive processes and can provide information about the timing and nature of neural processing.

EEG microstates are brief periods of stable EEG topography that represent the functional organization of the brain. They reflect the synchronized activity of distributed neural networks and are thought to underlie different cognitive processes. EEG microstate analysis allows researchers to explore the dynamic patterns of brain activity and their relationship to cognition and consciousness.

NIRS (near-infrared spectroscopy) and fNIRS (functional near-infrared spectroscopy) are non-invasive techniques that measure changes in blood oxygenation in the brain. They work by shining near-infrared light into the scalp and detecting the reflected light to infer brain activity. NIRS/fNIRS are particularly useful for studying cortical activity and have applications in fields such as cognitive neuroscience, brain-computer interfaces, and clinical research.

These concepts and techniques are all part of the interdisciplinary study of consciousness, neuroscience, and cognitive science, aiming to unravel the mysteries of the mind and subjective experience.


What’s the Meaning of Consciousness? | Consciousness

Consciousness is a movement that perceives itself to be.Consciousness are and comes from the movement of matter and energy that is perceived to be itself and the environment.Neuronal tissues can be conscious without being a complete brain.Consciousness is psychophysical.Consciousness is sentience. Sentience is the ability to feel about yourself and the environment.

Hard Problem of Consciousness Part1 | Consciousness 

Hard Problem of Consciousness Part2 | Consciousness 

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00:00:00 - 03:23:00

Consciousness is a movement that perceive itself to be.Consciousness are and comes from the movement of matter and energy that is perceived to be itself and the environment.Neuronal tissues can be conscious without being a complete brain.Consciousness is psychophysical.Consciousness is sentience.•Sentience is the ability to feel about yourself and the environment.


03:23:00 - 05:05:00

Consciousness is a movement that perceive itself to be.Consciousness are and comes from the movement of matter and energy that is perceived to be itself and the environment.Neuronal tissues can be conscious without being a complete brain.Consciousness is psychophysical.Consciousness is sentience.•Sentience is the ability to feel about yourself and the environment.


05:05:00 - 08:53:00

Consciousness is a movement that perceive itself to be.Consciousness are and comes from the movement of matter and energy that is perceived to be itself and the environment.Neuronal tissues can be conscious without being a complete brain.Consciousness is psychophysical.Consciousness is sentience.•Sentience is the ability to feel about yourself and the environment.


08:53:00 - 12:04:00

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12:04:00 - 12:59:00

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12:59:00 - 15:06:00

EEG ERP BCI P300 N400EEG ERP Publication Feb 2022EEG ERP Publication Jan 2022EEG-fMRI Publication Feb 2022EEG MicroStates


15:06:00 - 17:56:00

EEG ERP BCI P300 N400EEG ERP Publication Feb 2022EEG ERP Publication Jan 2022EEG-fMRI Publication Feb 2022EEG MicroStates


17:56:00 - 19:52:00

Motivation, Emotion And Craving


19:52:00 - 21:44:00

Motivation, Emotion And Craving


21:44:00 - 23:59:00

Motivation, Emotion And Craving

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Jackson Cionek