Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022 Meeting DATA BLITZ SESSION 3
CNS 2022 Annual Meeting DATA BLITZ SESSION 3

Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022 Meeting DATA BLITZ SESSION 3
Talk 1: Power Spectral Density Composition in Pre-Linguistic Infants
Beenish Mahmood, Rutgers University- Newark
Talk 2: Functional selectivity and structural connectivity of the cortical language network are intact in dyslexia
Jayden Lee, Boston University
Talk 3: Periodic Chunking of Language: Evidence from Self-Paced Reading
Lars Meyer, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Talk 4: Listeners extract spectral and temporal information from the mouth during naturalistic audiovisual speech
Cody Zhewei Cao, University of Michigan
Talk 5: Naturalistic viewing conditions can increase task engagement and aesthetic preference but have only minimal impact on EE
Dominik Welke, Max-Planck-Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
Talk 6: Interleaved vs Blocked Training Format Effects on Optimizing Music-Related Transfer to Auditory Skills
Ozgen Demirkaplan, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Talk 7: Effector-independent prehension action representations
Naama Zur, Georgetown University
Talk 8: The Adapted Body: visual adaptation aftereffects in the perception of body parts
Francesca Frisco, University of Milano-Bicocca
Talk 9: Dreaming in the dark: Exploring neural correlates of dreams lacking visual imagery
Karen Konkoly, Northwestern University
Talk 10: Perceptual expectations and false percepts activate distinct layers of the visual cortex
Joost Haarsma, University Bordeaux
Talk 11: Towards a Mechanistic Account of Perceptual Curiosity
Michael Cohanpour, Columbia University
Talk 12: Ventral visual cortex signal volatility correlates to sight restoration outcome
Nanak Nihal Khalsa, Georgetown University
Talk 13: Selective and Non-Overlapping Intracranial Electrophysiological Responses to Bodies and Faces in the Human Fusiform Gyru
Claire Perry, Stanford University School of Medicine
Talk 14: A new tripartite landmark in posterior cingulate cortex
Ethan Willbrand, University of California, Berkeley
Talk 15: Modelling representations of continuously shifting stimuli: a novel sliding window approach
Brandon Forys, University of British Columbia
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