
Feelings are Metabolism Modulated by Nutrition and Movement - CONBRAMENE 2025

Feelings are Metabolism Modulated by Nutrition and Movement - CONBRAMENE 2025

The idea that feelings are metabolic manifestations deepens when integrated with the concepts of the Damasian Mind—proposed by Antonio Damasio, highlighting interoception (perception of internal body states) and proprioception (awareness of body position and movement) as the bases for constructing the mind and consciousness. In the conceptual proposal that "consciousness is the movement perceived to be in the produced metabolism," we broaden the discussion: consciousness emerges not only from biochemistry but also from the ability to feel and interpret one's own body in action. This article explores how nutrition and movement modulate emotional metabolism and the conscious perception of oneself, connecting science, philosophy, and daily practices.

Amerindian practices of fruition, with their integration of fasting, Zone 2 walking, and high-intensity activities, reveal that transcendence is a biochemical, physical, and political phenomenon. By activating pathways such as autophagy and mitochondrial biogenesis, these practices not only regenerate the body but also expand consciousness, connecting the individual to collective and ecological dimensions.

Metabolism, Feelings, and the Damasian Mind

Damasio's theory emphasizes that the mind arises from the integration of interoception (signals from organs, hormones, and viscera) and proprioception (muscular and joint signals), creating a "body map" that underlies subjectivity.

Consciousness as Movement Perceived in Metabolism Produced.

Consciousness is the very act of perceiving oneself in metabolic movement.


Jackson Cionek
Jackson Cionek

Congresso Brasileiro de Metabolismo Nutrição e Exercício
Congresso Brasileiro de Metabolismo Nutrição e Exercício

CONBRAMENE 2025 is the ideal stage to discuss these innovations and their practical applications, bringing together experts and enthusiasts in pursuit of a healthier and more conscious future. In this context, the book "Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity" by Peter Attia provides an overview to understand how metabolism, movement, and consciousness are interconnected pillars for longevity.

- mTOR and Metabolic Regulation;
- Insulin Sensitivity;
- Sleep and Metabolism;
- Zone 2 Exercise;
- VO2 Max and Aerobic Capacity;
- Stability and Balance;
- Strength Training;
- Emotional Health and Longevity;
- Breathing and Body Awareness;
- Proactive Prevention;

Metabolism Movement and Consciousness
Metabolism Movement and Consciousness

CONBRAMENE 2025 offers an integrated vision of health, where metabolism, movement, and consciousness are inseparable pillars. The key to longevity lies in personalization: understanding individual needs and adapting strategies for nutrition, exercise, and mental care. With the support of advanced technologies such as EEG and NIRS, we can further explore the connection between the brain, body, and metabolism, promoting a holistic approach for a healthier and more conscious life.

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Consciousness Movement Metabolism

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Consciousness Movement and Metabolism 13May25

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Amerindian Practices of Fruition, Metacognition, and Metabolic Transcendence Science - An Antidote for Type 2 Diabetes

The Amerindian practices of ancestral fruition—ancestral rituals integrating movement, narrative, and communion with nature—offer a broad and complex approach to modulating emotional metabolism. These practices involve the physical body and activate metacognition (awareness of one's own thinking) as well as states of critical transcendence, where consciousness expands beyond the individual, connecting to collective, ecological, and spiritual dimensions.

Amerindian practices of fruition reveal that transcendence is a metabolic state of hyperconnection—with the body, the community, and the Earth. By replacing individualistic approaches (such as yoga) with these ancestral technologies, we recognize that critical consciousness emerges when metabolism, movement, and narrative intertwine in rituals of re-enchanting the world.

As demonstrated, science confirms: dancing in circles, singing with the ancestors, and eating with gratitude are not just cultural acts but biopolitical ones that rewrite our emotional code. In this sense, transcendence is the awareness that each cell, each gesture, and each seed carries a world project—and it is up to us to choose which metabolism we want to nourish.

Fasting, VO2 Max, and Zone 2 Walking in Amerindian Fruition Rituals

The fruition rituals of Amerindian cultures are a synthesis of physical, spiritual, and metabolic practices ranging from prolonged fasting to high-intensity movements like dances and ritual races. However, one of the most significant and least discussed practices are the long walks at a moderate pace, corresponding to what exercise science calls Zone 2—aerobic intensity where the body efficiently burns fat and promotes profound metabolic adaptations. This article explores how these walks, combined with fasting and high-intensity activities, create a cycle of metabolic and emotional transcendence, integrating ancient wisdom and modern scientific evidence.

Common in rituals like the Vision Quest (Vision Search), practiced by peoples of the North American Plains, where participants fast and walk for days in search of spiritual insights.

Rituals like the Sun Dance have participants alternate between fasting, Zone 2 walking, and strenuous dances, creating a complete physical and spiritual journey.

The long walks in Zone 2, combined with fasting and high-intensity activities, reveal that Amerindian fruition rituals are ancestral metabolic technologies of profound wisdom. By integrating these practices into our modern life, we improve our physical health and access states of expanded consciousness and transcendence, connecting to a millennia-old legacy of balance between body, mind, and spirit.

As demonstrated, transcendence is not a mystical state but a biochemical phenomenon that emerges when metabolism, movement, and intention align. And in this sense, each step in Zone 2 is a journey toward fullness.


- Damasio, A. (2018). The Strange Order of Things: Life, Feeling, and the Making of Cultures. Pantheon Books.

- Fleming, S. M., et al. (2020). "Metacognition: A Bridge Between Cognitive Neuroscience and Philosophy." Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24(12), 1-12.

- Mattson, M. P., et al. (2021). "Intermittent Fasting: A Heart-Healthy Dietary Pattern?" Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 17(2), 1-12.

- Patterson, R. E., et al. (2020). "Intermittent Fasting and Human Metabolic Health." Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 120(4), 1-10.

- Quigley, K. S., et al. (2021). "Interoception and Mental Health: A Roadmap." Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 6(1), 1-12.

- Scharhag-Rosenberger, F., et al. (2021). "Exercise Intensity and Health Benefits: Time to Focus on Duration?" Sports Medicine, 51(5), 1-10.

- Sparks, L. M., et al. (2020). "Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Metabolic Health." Cell Metabolism, 31(6), 1-12.

- Tarr, B., et al. (2021). "Synchrony and Collective Rituals: Implications for Mental Health." Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-10.

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Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States