E-Prime Extensions for fMRI 3.0

17/10/2018 03:07:01 Author: Jack
E-Prime Extensions for fMRI (EEfMRI) is now compatible with E-Prime 3.0. Similar to our other E-Prime 3.0-compatible extensions, we've added a toolbox within E-Studio with pre-configured Package Calls to provide users with a faster design experience.


E-Prime Extensions for fMRI 3.0 features include:

  • fMRI toolbox of Package Calls in E-Studio
  • Synchronize the start of the experiment with the scanner trigger pulse
  • Simplified logging of user-specified experimental events to tailor behavioral output for later analysis
  • Easy to implement menu system that allows the experimenter to group multiple tasks into a single experiment and interactively choose which tasks to present at runtime
  • Ability to interrupt a running task in a controlled manner to restart tasks without terminating the entire experiment
  • Samples and tutorials
  • Turnkey fMRI block sample (MapperOne.es3) based on a published experiment that reliably activates important functional areas
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Jackson Cionek

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