Evolution and Epigenetics:  Cybernetic Organism and communication by thought?

Evolution and Epigenetics: Cybernetic Organism and communication by thought?

31/12/2020 12:01:20 Author: Tassia Nunes

Since the creation of the planet earth humans has been evolving itself to adjust according to the ecosystem, its lifestyle and social interaction. The pre historical men which are described in the ancient historical books with long canine teeth, a big amount of hair throughout the body and a non biped walk, have turned into the homo sapiens which compose the current civilization. According to evolutionists humans have partially lost their hair, their teeth have adjusted since mankind have created tools to process food, have developed the bipedal walk ability and their brain has evolved.     


In the past scientists thought that the main responsibility to transmit information from a human to their descendants was the genetic code. However, nowadays researchers already know that other molecules that regulate the genetic code are able to be transmitted across the descendants, those molecules could be modified according to the lifestyle or the social environment. That science is called epigenetics.


Since the integration between man and machine has been rising into the creation of a cybernetic organism. Either, the development of the brain machine communication in which those cybernetic organisms will be able to control and communicate  throughout a non verbal communication, but rather than that, just by the brain waves activity. The question is, will one day the human brain adjust itself in order to be able to create a communication between humans in which words are not needed to be said but instead, we will be able exchange energy and communicate just by thinking without the need of electronic devices to decode the brain activity?



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Tassia Nunes

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